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We are always in need of good foster homes!!



What is fostering?


Fostering a dog means that you are opening your home and giving a homeless pup a safe place to stay while it waits for its permanent family. 


How do I foster?


Start by filling out the foster application on our website! If you don't hear back from us within a few days and want to follow up, email us at



Why foster?


ETAA is a foster-based rescue, meaning we do not have a shelter facility, and, so, we rely solely on the hospitality and generosity of our amazing fosters! If you can offer a kind and loving temporary home for the fur child, that satisfies a huge need.


Some individuals shy away from fostering a dog.  The biggest reason we hear "no" is the dread of getting attached and having to let your foster pooch go on to a new family. We encourage potential fosters to keep in mind that they are saving a life. Without fosters we cannot pull dogs that would otherwise be put down. So as difficult as it may be, please consider opening your home to a temporary guest! Remember, by fostering and letting go, you are then freed up to save another life! 



What is the time committment?


When you commit to fostering, this can mean you will have the dog anywhere from a couple of days to perhaps months. We would ask that you incorporate your foster into your family as if this was going to be your own pet. This helps so much in finding a forever home for the pet because you can enlighten us regarding the dog’s good points and areas that need work.  The pet learns to be a part of a family making them so much more adoptable!  



Does fostering cost anything?


No! ETAA provides all vetting, food, heart worm and flea prevention.  We will also provide you with a crate if you are so inclined to work on “crate training” your foster dog. If you do choose to purchase food or anything else for a foster animal, it can be considered a tax-deductible donation to ETAA! 


To begin fostering, please fill out the application!

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